Uw pakket wordt binnen 1-2 dagen verstuurd en GRATIS verzending!

Mijn eerste liedjeskaarten

Koop je kaarten nu

The only thing better than singing is more singing.

Ella Fitzgerald
  • Cadeau nodig voor een kleintje?

Cadeau nodig voor een kleintje?

kijk hier!

A child who sings is a happy child.

Elder Enrique Falabella

This picture pretty much sums up our lives. A Norwegian mom and a Dutch dad just doing their best raising two wonderfully energized kids together. Early on we discovered that kids love music. But little did we know that it would become such a big part of our lives. Besides "Let it go" from Frozen we wanted our kids to learn some more traditional songs and create fun singing moments together.

While living in Norway we received some Norwegian song cards and our daughter fell in love with them and wanted us to sing them over and over again. That was so much fun for mom, that dad started searching for Dutch song cards, but he sadly couldn't find any.

So like a real Dutchman would do to solve the problem we just decided to make our own cards! So here we are, introducing you to our colorful and much loved cards. We hope you will enjoy them as much as we have. And that they will bring many great moments of joy and pleasure to your family.

Keep on singing,

Yoram & Charlotte

  • Disconnect from the daily chaos.
  • Take time to connect with your loved ones
  • Enjoy moments together
  • Explore
  • learn together
  • And be reminded of what really matters in life
Disconnect from the daily chaos.
Take time to connect with your loved ones
Enjoy moments together
learn together
And be reminded of what really matters in life